Heute ist der 106. Geburtstag von Robert E. Howard. Was wäre das Fantasy und speziell das Sword & Sorcery-Genre nur ohne ihn und seine Charaktere, allen voran natürlich Conan? Leider ging es viel zu rasch wieder von uns, doch sein Werk wird uns auf alle Zeit hin begleiten.
It was gloomy land that seemed to hold
All winds and clouds and dreams that shun the sun,
With bare boughs rattling in the lonesome winds,
And the dark woodlands brooding over all,
Not even lightened by the rare dim sun
Which made squat shadows out of men; they called it
Cimmeria, land of Darkness and deep Night.
It was so long ago and far away
I have forgotten the very name men called me.
The axe and flint-tipped spear are like a dream,
And hunts and wars are like shadows. I recall
Only the stillness of that sombre land;
The clouds that piled forever on the hills,
The dimness of the everlasting woods.
Cimmeria, land of Darkness and the Night.
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