Dienstag, 21. April 2015

[Rollenspiel] Grindhouse für lau

Nur ganz kurz: Das Referee-Handbuch der Grindhouse Edition von "Lamentation of the Flame Princess" von James Edward Raggi IV gibt es nun kostenlos auf RPG Now!
The new printing of the LotFP Referee book is taking way longer than expected (surprise), so with no in-print Referee book the geniuses over at LotFP thought that maybe some sort of Ref information should be available. So here, free of charge, is the Referee book that was included in the Grindhouse set. 
Keep in mind that LotFP is a living game and this PDF here is four years old. The next printing of the Ref book will be a complete rewrite and expansion (will be at least three times this size), new layout and graphic design, all new artwork, etc.
This PDF does include the beginning adventure A Stranger Storm, which will not be reprinted. - James Edward Raggi IV auf RPG Now!
Wer es also noch nicht hat und auch nicht auf die neue Ausgabe warten will, sollte nun einfach mal zuschlagen!

Freitag, 17. April 2015

[Rollenspiel] Tipp: CC1 Creature Compendium

Remember those flashes of inspiration that electrified your brain when you first picked up that hardback volume of monsters all those years ago? The countless nights you sat up thinking of how to use those monsters, where to put them, and when your players would meet them? Those unceasing waves of joy that swam over you and your players as you unleashed those creatures, critters, beasts and behemoths upon their characters? 
Collected herein are over 200 monsters from Abysmal to Zathoa, instilled with that same spirit, presented in a “dual-stat” format, and designed to be used with most early editions of the world’s original role-playing game and comparable retro-clones.
200 Monster auf fast 100 Seiten? Mit Werten für die 0e/1e- und BX-Edition? Das Ganze mit durchgehend richtig tollen Retroillustrationen? Und dann noch für läppische 2$?!

Wenn diese Argumente nicht überzeugend sind. Zu finden ist dieses Meisterwerk auf RPGNow!